A Memorable Week: Homecoming, Shopping Spree, Sorority Leadership, and Think Pink

 Hey there, wonderful readers! It's been a week filled with unforgettable experiences, from celebrating homecoming with my amazing Zeta Tau Alpha sisters to shopping sprees and an important interview. Plus, we can't forget the heartwarming event we have coming up this weekend! Let's dive into the highlights of my week.

Homecoming Weekend Extravaganza

Homecoming weekend is always a special time of the year, and this year was no exception. I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the homecoming parade with my sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha. We rode in style on a beautifully decorated float, waving and smiling at the enthusiastic crowd lining the streets. The energy was infectious, and it's a memory I'll cherish forever.

The fun didn't stop there. We hosted an alumni luncheon at our sorority house, where we had the pleasure of meeting many wonderful alumni. It's inspiring to hear their stories and the impact our sorority has had on their lives. These connections remind us that sisterhood is a lifelong bond.

Of course, homecoming isn't complete without the football game. I joined the roaring crowd at the stadium, cheering on our team with all my might. The atmosphere was electric, and being part of such a spirited event was an incredible experience. The unity and camaraderie of our school were on full display.

Retail Therapy in Columbus

After the excitement of homecoming, I decided to indulge in a little retail therapy. On a leisurely Sunday, I made my way to Columbus and visited Polaris Mall. It's always a delight to explore new stores, and this time I stumbled upon a hidden gem at Altar'd State. I found a shirt that I couldn't resist, and the best part? It was tucked away in the sale section, with a price tag of just $2.88! A shopping victory for sure.

Sorority Leadership Aspirations

Wednesday was an important day for me. I had my interview for a position on the executive council of my sorority, and I have my heart set on being the historian. The interview went well, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a positive outcome. This role would allow me to capture and preserve the cherished memories and moments within our sisterhood, and I'm eager to give back to the Zeta Tau Alpha community.

Think Pink Football Game

As if the week wasn't eventful enough, I also had the honor of decorating the rock in front of Mac Hall in anticipation of the upcoming Think Pink Football Game. This event, organized by my sorority, is a powerful initiative that supports our philanthropy, Breast Cancer Education and Awareness. The game is scheduled for Saturday at 1:30, and it's a cause we hold close to our hearts. I can't wait to see the community come together to raise awareness and support those affected by breast cancer.

What a week it's been! From the excitement of homecoming and retail therapy to my sorority leadership aspirations and the upcoming Think Pink Football Game, I'm grateful for the opportunities and memories that college life has brought my way. Here's to many more weeks filled with purpose and passion!


  1. And I always wondered who did the rock. I love it though so thanks to you and your sorority. Besides this week sounding awesome I hope you have many more.

  2. I love a good sale! Especially from Alterd State, their stuff is so cute, but their prices are def not!


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