A Week of Thanks, Achievements and Sorority Surprises

As the Thanksgiving break came to an end, I found myself reflecting on a week filled with family warmth, personal achievements and exciting glimpses into my future at school. Join me as I share the highlights of my unforgettable week spent at our condo in Jupiter, Florida, with my parents, brother and grandparents.

Thanksgiving in Jupiter, Florida:

Our family tradition brought us together for a weeklong Thanksgiving break in the sunny paradise of Jupiter, Florida. Surrounded by palm trees and the soothing sound of ocean waves, we enjoyed quality time, delicious meals and cherished moments that will be etched in our memories forever. It was a perfect start to a week filled with gratitude and joy.

Back to School:

Returning to school after the break, I took the time to relax and recharge on Sunday, preparing myself for the busy week ahead. Little did I know that Monday held a significant moment that would mark a new chapter in my college journey.

Sorority Executive Council Induction:

Monday was a day of honor and responsibility as I was inducted into my sorority's executive council, taking on the role of Ritual Chair. It was an incredible privilege to be entrusted with this position, and I am excited to contribute to the traditions and values that make our sorority special.

Choosing My Sorority House Room:

Tuesday brought another milestone as I eagerly selected the room I will be calling home in our sorority house next year. The process involves a points system that considers various aspects of a sister's commitment and contribution. I was fortunate to secure the coveted 2nd-floor single, one of only two singles in the entire house. 

The Points System:

The points system, a unique way of allocating rooms, takes into account a sister's attendance at events, work hours, GPA and various other factors. Gratefully, I found myself in the enviable position of being third on the list, giving me the freedom to choose from the best options available. This system not only fosters healthy competition but also ensures a fair and inclusive selection process.

Excitement and Vision:

The anticipation for next year's living arrangements has already sparked my creativity, and I've begun crafting a vision board for my room. The 2nd-floor single holds a special place in my heart, and I am thrilled at the prospect of transforming it into a personal haven.


As my week unfolded with family, sorority honors and a glimpse into my future living arrangements, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Each experience, whether it was the warmth of Thanksgiving with my family or the excitement of choosing my sorority house room, contributed to a week that will remain etched in my memory as a time of joy, achievement, and anticipation for the adventures that lie ahead.


  1. Florida for Thanksgiving sounds so fun! I hope you enjoyed the warm weather before coming back to chilly Ada!

  2. Having experienced the Florida Thanksgiving event firsthand, I agree that it was great to be around family for the holiday!


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